Student Behaviour Expectations

​​​​​​​​​Expectations of Behaviour for a St Eugene Student

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Our Student Behaviour Support Plan has been developed to clearly outline expectations in relation to whole school behaviour and to establish the guidelines upon which students are supported within the gospel values espoused by St Eugene College.

​This plan has been written with the St Eugene community in focus and the particular needs of our students in mind. It is designed to be a guide to best practice, reflecting on the consistent approaches by all staff, while at the same time providing a reinforcement of behaviour teaching methods which are individualised and inclusive.

St Eugene College possesses a strong commitment to working with families in order for students to be supported with their behaviour in a seamless and consistent way. Our goal to, is to assist students to become prepared for their world when they leave the safety of the school environment, being capable and responsible citizens who can solve problems with confidence and success.

Our Oblate traditions are encapsulated in this plan, whereby we serve those in need and support all individuals in our community to reach their full potential.

​A copy of our Student Behaviour Support Plan can be found here​​​​​​