See Also: Religion Curriculum
Religious Identity and Culture
The cross is at the physical centre of St Eugene College, symbolizing Christ at the very heart of our community. In the same way, the cross is central to our Oblate spirituality.
At St Eugene College, we are charged with providing students with a vision of the world as it is and as it COULD be. By participating in all that St Eugene College has to offer, students come to realise new, exciting possibilities for their lives based on Gospel values. This is evident in the College motto: “Dare to grow in
HOPE and
LOVE.” Evangelisation and Faith Formation
Evangelisation means bringing the Good News to all strata of humanity, and through its influence, transforming humanity from within and making it new (On Evangelisation in the Modern World, 1975, n.18).
At St Eugene College we strive to promote the Good News of Jesus Christ through our culture of hope and joy, our curriculum and the quality of our relationships.
We recognize that faith formation is a lifetime journey. Retreat and reflection experiences offer students the opportunity to nurture their own spirituality, whether actively engaged (or are yet to engage) with a faith tradition.
Prayer and Worship Our community is enhanced by prayer and worship, nourishing the spiritual growth of me mbers of our community. Liturgical celebrations and rituals are integral to the religious life of the college. Families are always welcome to attend whole college and year level liturgies and assembly prayers.
Traditional Christian prayers are taught and daily classroom prayer is a hallmark of college life.
Sacramental preparation for Confirmation, First Holy Communion and Reconciliation is conducted by Saint Eugene Parish. For further details contact the parish office.
©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Eugene College, 2023
Phone: 07 3888 3973Location: end of Springfield Drive (opposite church), Burpengary Website: Action and Justice
Social action and justice is central to an Oblate understanding of the person and message of Jesus Christ.
Social action and justice begins with building right relationships centred round the Catholic Social Teaching of respecting the dignity of every person.
Our community is made up of people of a diverse range of cultural, social and religious backgrounds. All are welcome.
Outreach is a hallmark of our college community and provides practical opportunities for living out our Oblate charism.
Prayerful reflection is part of the regular practice of service and action and are key expressions of the spirituality of St Eugene’s.

©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Eugene College, 2023