Camps and retreats offer unique immersion learning opportunities. For a concentrated period, students immerse themselves in a focussed learning experience outside the usual school classroom. This offers opportunities for challenge, personal growth, and reflection, and enhances positive relationships. Immersion learning allows us to address areas of the Australian Curriculum, including personal and social capability that are difficult to achieve in a traditional timetable structure.
With a focus on sustainability, wellbeing, academic success, and building community, our 2024 Immersion Program will capture both incursions, excursions, and overnight opportunities.
Year 4: Be Strong
This three-day camp is held at the Sunshine Coast Recreation Centre Currimundi. The Be Strong themed program delivers learning experiences in resilience and how to react to and deal with difficult situations.
Year 5: Surf and paddle skills camp
This three-day camp teaches surf survival skills to prepare them for life adventures in the water, a very popular Australian recreational activity.
Year 6: Canberra Trip
The five-day Canberra Trip aligns with the Australian Curriculum for Year 6, particularly around the HASS subjects (Humanities and Social Sciences). Through visits to places like Parliament House and Old Parliament House, students consolidate their understanding of how our government was formed and works. Students will also visit significant sites including Australian War Memorial, the Roll of Honour, and the Hall of Memory.
Year 7: “Who Am I? Who Are You?”
A three-day formation camp that provides an excellent opportunity for students to build resilience and positive relationships with their peers and teachers. This camp allows students to challenge themselves in a safe and controlled environment while accessing many curriculum components. This includes First Nations perspectives, where students will hear traditional local Dreaming stories from The Jinibara People and experience a bush tucker meal.
Years 8, 9 and 11:
Instead of Camps in these year levels, we will be offering a series of incursions and excursions. These experiences will provide opportunities for personal growth and learning, spiritual formation, leadership, teamwork, and community building, as a cohort and House.
Year 10: Preparation for Senior Schooling
The aim of this camp is to foster and develop students’ personal skills to support their transition into the Senior Phase of schooling. Provided by Higher Ground, at Conondale Kenilworth Homestead Expedition, students will engage in activities focused on resilience, self-reliance, and teamwork.
Year 12: Three-day Kairos Retreat Program
The purpose of this event is for each student to develop a sense of personal identity, community, and hope for the future through story, while learning how to nurture their spiritual well-being.