Senior Years


Senior schooling in Queensland is designed to give students the skills for success in work and life in the future through the development of students' cognitive, interpersonal and intrapersonal dispositions. Senior students at St Eugene College (Years 10, 11 and 12) immerse themselves in the 4Cs: collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. Our students become lifelong learners, innovative thinkers, valued employees and engaged global citizens because they enter to learn, dare to grow and leave to serve through engaging with our College values of dignity, excellence, hope, community and service.

It is the College's belief that students direct their own learning journey. Our students can develop and mould their senior phase to best access the unique opportunities afforded through TAFE, School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships, University Study and other registered training programs. This is in addition to the variety of subjects delivered at St Eugene College, including our Vocational & Education Training (VET) programs.

​Students can choose from a wide variety of subjects to study during their senior phase of schooling and may elect to study any combination of:

  • QCAA General subjects
  • QCAA Applied subjects 
  • Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates
  • School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)
  • Online courses including TAFE, Headstart to Uni and Fisher One distance education.

Students begin the senior preparation process early in their Year 10 journey. This process includes:

  • Career education including undertaking the QCAA Short Course in Career Education as well as parent and student information sessions with staff and external providers.
  • Mentoring of students by a panel of staff including the principal and members of the administration team Curriculum Leaders, Pastoral Leaders and experienced senior teachers
  • Career and pathway guidance interviews
  • Set planning interviews

St Eugene College students are encouraged to design their program of study from the commencement of year 10 towards the areas where they experience success and enjoyment.

Senior Secondary students are engaged in eight subjects (or their equivalent) throughout Years 10, and six subjects (or their equivalent) during years 11 and 12.

The Senior Schooling Team closely monitors the progress of all students throughout the Senior Phase of Learning. This includes students regularly reviewing their own results and academic progress. We support students to work towards their career and study pathway through the help of a large network of internal and external staff.

It is the goal of Senior Schooling at St Eugene College that all students graduate with their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).

Assessment Policy  (Template by Queensland Government Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) used and adapted under CC BY 4.0 licence by St Eguene College.)​

​​​Year 10 Curriculum Handbook

Senior Years Curriculum Handbook