Enrolment Process

​​​ ​Prior to submitting an enrolment application, please click on the link under Enrolment Process - 'Enrolment News Year Levels at Capacity' -  for the current state of enrolment, and what year levels maybe at capacity.

Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St. Eugene College.  You may apply for enrolment through our Online Enrolment Application by clicking the following link:


You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form, before your application will be submitted to us. We will then contact you regarding the next steps.

If applying for enrolment for more than one student, when the form is completed an option will be available to submit another enrolment each additional student.

Please contact us directly, should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.

To lodge an application for your child, please remember to send:​

  • Fully completed Application for Enrolment form

  • Photocopy of Birth Certificate

  • Photocopy of Baptismal Certificate

  • Photocopy of Visa Information / Australian Citizenship / New Zealand Citizens must supply a copy of their Passports and/or Vevo Check

  • Photocopy of most recent Semester 1 and 2 school report

  • Copy of NAPLAN results

  • Copies of any medical reports such as; specialist reports; action plans

  • Copies of any legal documentation such as Family Court and Parenting Orders 

  • Copies of any learning support documentation from specialists or current school learning plans

  • $120.00 non-refundable enrolment application fee

After lodging an Enrolment Application, parents will be advised of the next step in the enrolment process. It is important that your child or children who are enrolling attend this interview.

Enrolment Decisions Enrolment decisions are made by the Principal in consultation with Heads of Campus. Decisions consider the needs of each student, place, availability, and other exceptional circumstances.  Should it be necessary to limit the intake of pupils to St Eugene College, therefore creating a waitlist then preference will be given in the following order:

Priority enrolment is given to:
  1. Siblings of current students
  2. Baptised Catholics of St Eugene Parish. 
  3. Baptised Catholics from other Catholic Schools and Parishes. 
  4. Baptised Students from other faith traditions who demonstrate a shared commitment to the values of Catholic Education. 
  5. Students of parents who demonstrate a shared commitment to the values of Catholic Education. 
This is if current fees are up to date or an approved payment plan in place approved by the College Principal.

Should your application be successful an acceptance of enrolment form will be supplied to you. You are asked to complete this form giving careful consideration to the obligations regarding school fees and accepting school policies and supporting the school ethos. 

Please note your enrolment is not finalised until this acceptance form is returned to the school office and a non-refundable $250.00 Confirmation of Enrolment Fee payable within three (3) weeks of acceptance.  This fee will be credited to your first school fee issued.​

Enrolment Criteria

This criteria is used to assess your family’s application and priority for enrolment. All  criteria are seen as important and no one criterion is seen as more important than any other. Current demographics indicate that demand for our services will place us under increased pressure both in terms of limited space and increased applications. This criteria will assist us in determining who can be enrolled and will allow us a process for prioritizing placements. ​Please also refer to the Prep Eligibility criteria and Enrolment criteria documents via the links below.​

In the meantime, should you have any enrolment queries please contact

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